inspirerades av tavlan Livets dans av Edvard Munch när hon skulle göra en video till senaste singeln When I was young. Resultatet blir sjukt snyggt och läckert. Speciellt passar det nu när det precis varit Halloween med dansande skelett.

Favoriter Apple Music

MØ berättar på sin YouTube-sida om låten:

“I’m so happy to present this video because it feels very true to the song and to who I am. It was inspired by a painting called The Dance Of Life by one of my favorite artists, Edvard Munch. It’s an illustration of three women—one in white, one in red and one in black—and tells a story about three stages of human life: youth, maturity, and old age. I was always drawn to this image as a kid due to its simple symbolism and emotion and have been dying to do a video that could reflect on it. Since When I was young is all about nostalgia and reflecting on life—especially the past, but also the now and the future—it just seemed like the perfect time to do it.”


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Nordiska Favoriter

Grundare och chefredaktör för Popmuzik. Älskar popmusik i största allmänhet och mina husgudar är Pet Shop Boys. Tycker att en bra låt är en låt som jag vill lyssna på mer än en gång.

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The blog focuses primarily on all the music submissions and requests we receive from our Patrons. As a Patreon, you support Popmuzik while also being able to submit your songs to the blog.
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Musikinspiration från Göteborg sedan 2011