Will YOung Brave Man
Being Blogged Gold NY Jag kommer ihåg när jag såg videon till Jealousy med Will Young första gången. Jag var helt knäck över hur stark den var. Hur tydligt avundsjuka porträtterades hos Wills karaktär när han ville ha den andra mannen för sig själv.
Nu har han släppt en minst lika stark video till singeln Brave Man , fast med ett helt annat tema.
En ung transexuell man tar av sig sina kläder och traskar ut på stan under ett dygn. De han möter på vägen är oftast långt ifrån vänliga mot hans nakenhet. Att göra narr av är så mycket lättare än att hjälpa eller i detta fall förstå.
Absolut en video ni bör se från början till slut.

Nordiska Favoriter

Will Young skriver detta på sin Facebook-sida.
”I had been following a very different idea for the video to Brave Man . When this didn’t come to fruition I went back to the drawing board and wondered to myself what it is to be a ’brave man’.
It came to me.
It seems extremely brave to be a man in a woman’s body and then decide to do something about this.
As I thought more about it, I realised that there is often coverage of what it is to be a woman in a man’s body, but never to my knowledge the documenting of the opposite (almost a perverted kind of patriarchy).
So the video came about.
My next move was to go to Wiz who I have now worked with four times on music films. I say film because the way Wiz shoots creates something that always seems like a film, as opposed to a video. Something with a narrative that leaves me thinking about what I have just viewed.
Wiz had been thinking about doing a film about a transgender man and so the world aligned, as it often does, when something feels right and we made the video.
Wiz already knew Fox , a transgender man, and through casting we found Finn . The vulnerability, strength and intelligence he has is so abundant on camera. Really, I have not met someone like him before. Someone who has an inherent strength and a determination whilst also holding such vulnerability.
To be vulnerable IS to be strong.
To express and show this is actually the bravest and most wonderful thing to do.
I know that transgender people do not like being called brave. It is something that is innate. Not a choice, but a given. Being a gay man I feel the same. I wasn’t ’brave’ to come out it was simply what I had to do.
I am used to prejudice though. Through tough times embracing myself as someone ’different’ allowed me to embrace all differences in others, to embrace their vulnerability and their struggles as well as their inner strength and determination to be their true authentic selves. When I wrote the song, this is what I was referring to – the determination in modern life to be my authentic self.
In this video we see a man determined to be himself in the face of all adversity from inside and outside. It isn’t brave but, my god, it shows true grit and strength. What a wonderful thing. This video isn’t about selling records or my personal benefit. This video is about taking a moment in time to explore a section of society who stand up for themselves. To tell a story and offer a window through music into someone’s life.
No one but Wiz could have done it in such a non-sensationalist and honest way.
I’ve never felt so humbled and proud.”

Brave Man är även en av de bästa från Will Youngs senaste album 85% Proof som släpptes i början av sommaren.

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Will Young

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Grundare och chefredaktör för Popmuzik. Älskar popmusik i största allmänhet och mina husgudar är Pet Shop Boys. Tycker att en bra låt är en låt som jag vill lyssna på mer än en gång.

Favoriter Apple Music




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Musikinspiration från Göteborg sedan 2011