Banners for Patreons

From today, Patreons have access to banners in the blog.
I like to support those who support me, and banners are an added value to those who regularly choose to support the blog as a Patreon.

However, I feel that some form of minimum requirement is needed to gain access to banners in the blog. So with that, I have crated two levels to qualify to use banners in the blog:

✔️If you have chosen 3, 6 or 9 song submissions each month, you have the opportunity to use one banner for a maximum of 14 days during the month.

✔️If you have chosen 12 or 20 song submissions each month, you have the opportunity to use two banners for a maximum of 14 days each during the month.

Those who have been Patreons in a lower level for over a year will sometimes be offered a blog banner in time of a new release. In this way, even those who do not need a higher Patreon membership can get the opportunity for a banner in the blog. But it’s not guaranteed at every release and month, as for those with the higher levels.

Banners are placed randomly in the beginning and in the end of each post and are 1900 x 1100. The banner material submitted must be adapted to that size.
Link from banner goes to music platform, collection page for music, music video, social media or page for live event. The blog only display banners that have some sort of connection to the blog, such as music / entertainment, artist page or event. In other words, banners for casinos, politics, alcohol, credit institutions are not allowed. After all, this is a music blog.
Banners are active for 14 days by default. If you want a shorter time, just contact me. You can only have the same banner for one month. If you do not have a new banner, it is better to just pause the banner that month.

Being a Patreon means supporting the blog’s work to write about new music and going through all the music submissions.
It is only music submitted by Patreons that we guarantee to listen to and give feedback on. It is artists who are Patreons or the artists who are promoted by Patreons (PR och record company) we prioritise for interviews.

You can become a Patreon here.




Bloggen fokuserar i första hand på alla de musikinskick och förfrågningar vi får från våra Patreons. Som Patreon stöttar du bloggen samtidigt som du kan tipsa om nya låtar och artister att uppmärksamma.
Du kan läsa mer om upplägget med Patreon här, samt använda denna sida för att skicka in din musik.

Tack för att du är Patreon.


The blog focuses primarily on all the music submissions and requests we receive from our Patrons. As a Patreon, you support Popmuzik while you also are being able to submit your music to the blog.
You can read more about the blog’s Patreon here, and use this page to submit your music.

Thank you for being a Patron.

Musikinspiration från Göteborg sedan 2011