Dags för pop från Nederländerna. Denna gång är det den 22-åriga sångerskan Elle Hollis som är aktuell med singeln Running out of love. Här får vi en dansant poplåt som känns som hämtad direkt från topplistorna.
Om singeln berättar Elle för bloggen:
”I wrote Running out of love out of the frustration of trying to make a relationship work that’s both on fire but not really going anywhere. You just keep going while neither one can make up their minds, yet you can’t let go because the thrill is worth more than the hurting. You can only keep that up for so long, you eventually start to run out of love. I made the song with production duo Small Talk. We were influenced by Shy Martin and Somebody else by The 1975, so we really tried to preserve the emotion and the struggling of running out of love, while also putting forward the fiery aspect by making it an upbeat song with lots of layers and synths.
I (and the people who listen to it) can really dance to their emotions with this song and that’s what I love about it.”