Den London-baserade sångerskan KAHLLA släppte precis debut-EP:n Sense Of Self med fyra låtar där titelspåret och In the morning släppts som singlar tidigare. Om själva EP:n berättar KAHLLA:
“These four songs were born out of a time when I felt a huge loss of identity and was thinking a lot about what makes us us. How can we truly be ourselves? Is that even possible? Or are we just the sum of the people that surround us? I still don’t have the answers to all of those questions but I realised that identity more than anything is constantly changing. There is no destination.”
Till releasen så är inledande Home låtens om ska dra in folk till EP:n. En låt om att ta kontrollen över ens liv, situation och kropp. Allt skapat till en avslappnad och luftig poplåt som lyfts fram av bra melodi och KAHLLAs röst.
Om låten berättar sångerskan för bloggen:
”It was written in January 2019 when I was going through a strange phase in my life. I was very overwhelmed and stressed trying to balance earning money with making music. As a result I often felt very alienated in my body and life, like someone else was making all the decisions for me: how to be, what to say, where to go, what to do. Home is largely about trying to change that, trying to reclaim your body and mind from society’s expectation of what being a woman means. Truly making your body your home.”