Du behöver inte vara rädd för Whamageddon när du lyssnar på Harinas version av Last Christmas. Det är nämligen inte Whams klassiska jullåt som ligger som grund, utan Carol of the belles. Här bjuds vi på en läcker trap-producerad jullåt som inte så mycket handlar om joy to the world etc, utan fokuserar på klimatkrisen där sångerskan bokstavligen sjunger om den sista julen.
Sångerskan berättar mer om arbetet med singeln här:
“It was 1am in Berlin and I had to catch a flight to London the next
morning. We were celebrating the progress we had made in the studio during the past couple of days, when I felt this overwhelming need to write a Christmas song.
I told the guys and they were all up for the fun.
We immediately started brainstorming and searching for ideas when we came across the Carol of the bells theme and started playing around with that – and ended up making a trap beat!
I didn’t want to write about love again and I had recently been blown away by the enthusiasm and incredible work of Greta Thunberg and the ‘Extinction Rebellion’ movement.
We decided to give the topic a try and throughout the next hour, the lyrics were just flowing.
We created this whole concept of an “End of the World” idea, that is suggesting that this is going to be everyone’s ‘Last Christmas’, due to the consequences of climate change.
It is blaming those who have actively been supporting the causes of anthropogenic climate change for solely economic benefit, including overconsumption, overexploitation, pollution, and deforestation, to name but a few.
I am very thankful for the people who fight for our planet on a daily basis for all of us.
I am glad they are making awareness of the ones who are already suffering from it and educating everyone else on the topic.
With this song, I am hoping to motivate people to inform themselves and contribute to the fight against climate change wherever they can.”
Så ta och lyssna på denna nyskapande och högt aktuella jullåt här nedan och god jul.