Denna gång tar vi oss inte så långt. Över Öresundsbron till Danmark där vi hittar producenten Kayvahn, som egentligen heter Kevin Wagner, och som ursprungligen kommer från USA. Han är här aktuell med den softa R&B-poplåten Don’t know som framförs av den Los Angeles-baserade sångerskan Silkin.
Låten är första nedslaget av producenten sedan EP:n Heritage som släpptes i våras.
On nya låten berättar Kayvahn.
As an artist and producer who puts a lot of value on concept and artistry in my music, it’s sometimes hard to know what a song is about until I’ve had time to chew on it long enough. Don’t know was definitely a song where it took it’s time, but after a long personal conversation about family issues with Silkin, we came across the concept of writing to one of our siblings which we both have a certain relationship with. We already had some ideas of other concepts recorded but they somehow worked beautifully when everything was crafted together. It’s a really personal song to me.