Du har ju läst om Ralph ett antal gånger tidigare här i bloggen, bland annat med singlarna Last time och No muss no fuss. Nu är sångerskan aktuell med EP:n Flashbacks & Fantasies från vilken du här kan se videon till låten Looking for you. En mer soft poplåt om att försöka hitta den där speciella någon som kan förändra ens liv. Sångerskan berättar:
“I was stuck in traffic one day and the license plate in front of me read ‘LQQKIN4U’. I took a pic and went into the studio with that as my inspiration. The words and the story just kind of evolved from there.”
Om själva videon berättar Ralph:
”One night after “some” wine, my dear friend Matt brain stormed a music video concept – a lead character who keeps catching brief glimpses of this recurring person, but every time they try to see their face, the stranger is obstructed by something then disappears. When I reached out to Rosanna Peng, a talented Toronto/LA director I admire, I floated this idea for the Looking for you video…and she was totally down. Her videos are so unique and aesthetically driven that I knew she could nail it. After adding our own personal quirks and trademarks, we managed to create a visual story that we feel encompasses the feeling of the song perfectly. The dreamy bedroom scenes (my own bedroom!) connect to the honest, intimate lyrics, while the colourful styling and character intros keep the video light and fun. It’s not about desperation or needing someone to fulfill you, it’s about excitement and the myth of “’love at first sight.'”