Efter den lysande singeln Generation why är 19-årige Conan Gray tillbaka med den minst lika lysande singeln Crush culture. En låt som känns som ett perfekt anti Valentines day anthem. En låt för den kärlekslösa helt enkelt.
Om nya singeln berättar Conan:
I wrote Crush culture for my fellow heartbroken single people. I’ve been single for all of my 19 years of my life—haven’t even had my first kiss yet! Meanwhile, all of my friends have burned through several heart-throbbing, mushy-gushy, morbidly loving relationships; all while I watched longingly from the sidelines. Eventually, I’d just gotten so sick of watching everyone around me being in love. It’s gotten to a point where when I see people who are in love, I get so bitter from my lack of love that I just want to destroy every relationship in sight (hence the music video of me ruining people’s dates). Since I can’t be in love, no one can—that was my logic. I wanted to write a song for the loveless, thus Crush culture was born.
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