På singeln Breathe it in samarbetar singer-songwritern Garrett Kato med folk-sångerskan Julia Stone. Låten är tagen från kommande EP:n Hemisphere som släpps den 6:e Mars.
Om singeln berättar Garrett:
“This song is about meeting someone when you’re messed up. Julia and I were total strangers the first day of writing, so we spent a lot of time getting to know each other. We both were in what seemed like transitional periods of our lives. Me being a new father and her balancing some normality with an ever-changing life on the road. The song was born out of some old and new stories we’d been harbouring for some time and they came to life in this song.”
Den vackra videon är regisserad av Emily Dynes och i den kan vi se ett sensuellt spel mellan Michelle Young och Daisy Calnin.