Den franske producenten Yuksek har precis släppt videon till den lysande singeln Sunrise , som med disco:fierad pop skapar medryckande toner. Låten är tagen från hans kommande album Nous Horizon som släpps i Januari 2017.
Här kan ni se den galna videon som Yuksek berättar detta om:
”We shot the video of Sunrise in Los Angeles last September using the Californian hackneyed clichés, the palm trees, the vintage car, the pool, the house shaped in an ”A”… while telling a love story out of the ordinary. Our lovers are far from being canons of beauty and, their way of life, this food orgy, is not exactly in the current standard of healthy living, and this is the paradox, they are nevertheless beautiful and happy. My ghostly presence in the video appeared to us to be the perfect evocation of this track history, of an imaginary love, a fantasy presence.”