Heather Sommer följer här upp singeln I like you more in my dreams som hon släppte i början av sommaren. Nya singeln bjuder på skönt rytmisk pop som mixar det elektroniska med det akustiska. Allt insvept i Heathers behagliga röst, så helt klart något du definitivt bör ge några minuter.

Mer ingående berättar Heather om Talking in my sleep:

”I wrote this song while in quarantine after my friend/producer sent over a link with tracks he had been working on. The instrumental to this song instantly captured my attention. I was so inspired that I downloaded the track immediately and wrote the song minutes later in about 20 minutes. The song wrote itself and the lyrics poured out of me so naturally. Talking in my sleep embodies how it feels to be single and still looking for their person in a world where social media floods us with images of people being constantly in love and/or in relationships. I hope that if you or someone you know are still looking to find your person, this song resonates with you makes you feel a little more at home.”


Grundare och chefredaktör för Popmuzik. Älskar popmusik i största allmänhet och mina husgudar är Pet Shop Boys. Tycker att en bra låt är en låt som jag vill lyssna på mer än en gång.



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Musikinspiration från Göteborg sedan 2011