Den 19-åriga sovrums-musikern Maude Latour släppte för en månad sedan singeln Superfruit som fick enorm uppmärksamhet på nätet. Nu är hon tillbaka med singeln Plans som producerats av Alexander 23.
Den nya singeln bjuder på softa harmonier och känsla där resultatet blir behagligt och nästan smekande.
Om singeln berättar sångerskan.
”Plans was a song I wrote in a backyard when I first went to California alone for music. It streamed out of me after hours of meditation and introspection. At the time, it was about a special moment of meeting someone for the first time… eyes meet across the room. But I’ve come to realize the song is about me, how I love. We phrase love as if it’s another person effecting us, but in actuality, it is ourselves changing and evolving and growing. Through love and heartbreak and crushes we see what we need and who we are. Plans is a feeling for me; a warm and shimmering start of something new.”