Sam Creighton levererar med Smile en lysande singel. Med en soulig pop-produktion och medryckande melodi fångar hon mitt intresse med en gång. Låten i sig handlar om män som visslar eller ropar efter en på gatan – så kallat catcalled. Något som Sam såklart tröttnade på och helt enkelt skrev låten.
Sångerskan berättar:
“This song is so meaningful to me. I was sick of being catcalled and objectified just because I am a woman. This is my shameless response to the men catcalling and telling me to smile, other women, and any other person who is made to feel uncomfortable just by walking down the street.
I want this song to let them know they are not alone when feeling so isolated and objectified when someone says ‘you’d be so beautiful if you just smiled more.’ It has been our time to stand up for our rights as women, but the fight continues on. This is an anthem for all of us!”