Den brittiska gruppen Cape Cub med singeln Moonglow och följer med det upp låten Come around från Februari i år.
Bandet började i och för sig som ett soloprojekt av Chad Male, men som nu har vuxit sig till ett helt band, lite som Bastille.
Men låten Moonglow ger oss stor arenapop och väldigt medryckande refräng. Känns som Cape Cub som band vågat ta steget att bli något större.
Chad berättar:
“Moonglow is the first song we’ve put out as a band and it’s a statement of intent for things going forward. Sonically speaking, it’s been hugely influenced by our live set and we’ve gone all out. I mean, for the first time we’ve gone for bigger drums, chants, moments of both intimacy and almost over the top grandeur, a sample of a cafe in Copenhagen, and even organs, which is definitely a first. I don’t want to go too deep into its meaning… I want people to have their own interpretation, that’s important. But if I were to capture the sentiment of this song in one word I’d say it was hope. A reoccurring theme in my writing is this idea of a light in the darkness, and that’s what Moonglow is about… that no matter how bad things get, there’s always hope.”
Cape Cub