R3HAB samarbetar här med den brittiske popsångaren HRVY på singeln Be okay. En upplyftande poplåt med härlig positiv känsla och beats. I videon kan vi se de båda artisterna på turné tillsammans med människor från hela världen. Lite av en kontrast till den nedstängda värld vi lever i just nu.
Om samarbetet berättar de båda:
”When Harvey reached out to me, I sent him the song, and he recorded his vocals in no time. From the first time I heard it, I knew we had something special to give to our fans. I hope they like the end result as much as we do, and Be okay will make the quarantine period more bearable for everyone who listens to it.”
”I heard this song months before I recorded it, and it put a smile on my face. I reached out to R3HAB to be on the song and recorded it to see how I sounded. Everyone really liked it, so I’m super excited to see Be okay coming out. I hope this puts a smile on everyone’s face during quarantine, excited for the video too, as its a homage to the fans.”
Så ta in lite positiva vibbar och kolla in videon till Be okay här nedan.