Den brittiska artisten KOOLKID är här aktuell med den softa och drömliknande singeln We’re so blind. Låten följer upp singlarna 2 Soon och Feelings som släppts tidigare i år. Nya singeln ar upp ämnen som ångest om sexualitet, att inte vilja se förändringar i miljön samt i globala problem.
Om singeln berättar KOOLKID:
“I want to make people think when they listen to this. I really want you to hear the words and feel the music hit you. The world has pretty much gone mad and the majority of people fail to really see through their own eyes. It’s like we haven’t got time for faces anymore because we speak to everyone through our phones. We care more about a follow on Instagram than waking up the next day. Designer clothes instead of helping the people in need. We need to change our ways. We need to open our eyes. It’s time for us all to wake up and make a change. Life is meant to be lived in the here and now on YOUR own terms.”