Satin Jackets är namnet på tysken Tim Bernhardt musikprojekt.
På nya singeln Primordial samarbetar han med den amerikanska sångerskan Niya Wells. Resultatet blir skönt medryckande nu-disco att dansa loss till.
Sångerskan berättar:
”A few months after the release of Never enough Tim sent me several new tracks and I immediately gravitated towards this track. While writing the lyrics, the word ’primitive’ kept coming to mind, I wasn’t completely sold on it for various reasons – one reason being the negative connotations tied to it – but I just couldn’t release the idea.
There’s much to love about those moments that don’t require much thought. Those rare experiences with individuals who just happened to show up at the right place, at the right time, seeking, craving that primal connection and that’s what I wanted to capture with this song. No one should ever feel the need to censor themselves or miss out on life changing happenings, for the sake of conforming to the demands of those who don’t matter. Tap into that primitive energy! Live your life, and see what you connect to!”
Tja, det är väl bara att sparka igång låten och låta Satin Jackets ge er en upplyftande låt för dagen.
Satin Jackets