Alden Groves är en artist från delstaten Colorado i USA. Han började med att göra sig ett namn som EDM-artisten Evoke, som han släppt en hel del låtar som.
Nu släpper han låten Vertigo under sitt egna namn. En energifull poplåt med tung produktion och refräng.
Låten är tagen från sångarens kommande album FOOL // savior som släpps den 16:e Januari.
Om låten berättar Alden:

Popmuzik Lover Patreon

Vertigo kicks off the LP, and is one of the most uplifting songs I’ve ever written, about overcoming my adversities in life and fighting with everything I have, no matter what happens—“I will battle ’til I’m burning up”. When I first wrote this song, I was living in my friend’s grandparents’ basement, and only owned what would fit in my car. I had no job, almost no money, and the only remaining possessions I really had were studio equipment. Nonetheless, I found time to record when nobody else was home, and kept producing and writing music whenever I could.

Vertigo embodies the mentality I tried to maintain throughout that difficult period of my life. I had to buckle down and give everything I had. I got a job, started making money, and—with a ton of support from my friends—I managed to get out of the rut and stabilize myself enough to finish the record and start to really take care of myself. There’s definitely some anti-consumerist messages in the song too, addressing the toxic messages fed to us daily by corporate interests.”

Vad tyckte du?
Popmuzik Lover Patreon

Grundare och chefredaktör för Popmuzik. Älskar popmusik i största allmänhet och mina husgudar är Pet Shop Boys. Tycker att en bra låt är en låt som jag vill lyssna på mer än en gång.



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The blog focuses primarily on all the music submissions and requests we receive from our Patrons. As a Patreon, you support Popmuzik while also being able to submit your songs to the blog.
You can read more about the blog’s Patreon here, and use this page to submit your music.

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Musikinspiration från Göteborg sedan 2011