Produktionstrion BoyBoyBoy samarbetar med sångaren Will Church och DJ-duon Revelries på singeln Fall-out som du kan lyssna på här nedan. Resultatet är en mix av pop och dans med stark melodi och refräng. Jag tror ju detta kan bli en stor hit under våren. Låten har verkligen förutsättningarna för det i alla fall.

Popmuzik Podcast

Om arbetet med låten berättar BoyBoyBoy:

”We had the basic idea for Fall-out jamming in the studio trying to get some vibes of natural and electronic sounds together. We were talking about how difficult it was to actually mix different genres together. Will came up with the hook and main theme ”our love is running wild – we’re outta control now” and played that shuffled guitar rhythm to it. We took it from there and decided to follow through with the ”outta control” theme, trying to give some different vibes to the song as usual and break down genre borders. So we ended up leaving Will’s simple but effective – almost folky – guitar pattern in the verses and put the groove into a different context in the chorus using a shuffle 4-on-the-floor-beat and that donk-bass that is used in many contemporary dance and deep house tracks, but let it play a little more natural baseline. Finally the guys from Revelries picked up the ball of genre-mixture during production and added those bluesy/funky guitar riffs, which give the song some nice flavors on top.”

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Grundare och chefredaktör för Popmuzik. Älskar popmusik i största allmänhet och mina husgudar är Pet Shop Boys. Tycker att en bra låt är en låt som jag vill lyssna på mer än en gång.

Popmuzik Podcast


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Musikinspiration från Göteborg sedan 2011